主营:强筋松 , 氯磺丙脲 , 氰酸钠 , 氰酸钾 , 热处理盐 , 纸板桶 , 塑料袋 , 盐酸二甲双胍 , 盐酸氯丙嗪
Dandong Qianjin Trade Co,. Ltd. is located in Dandong city, the eastern Liaoning Province.Our company in order to meet the needs of international trade of Donggang Hongda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (the company has obtained the state GMP certification, formerly known as Dandong City Qianjin Pharmaceutical Factory First Branch Factory.) and Dandong Qianjin Pharmaceutical Material Co., LTD(formerly known as Dandong City Qianjin Pharmaceutical Factory Pharmaceutical Chemical Branch Factory). And our company owned the right of importing and exporting, the company has an international department.
工厂成立于1987年,是合成原料药生产的专业厂,被授予丹东市高新技术企业。工厂占地20,000m2,员工近二百人,其中技术人员40余人。年生产销售额近6,000万元,原料药年出口额约1,500万元。产品十几年来畅销国内并远销德国、瑞士、日本、巴西等国家。Our factory was established in 1987, which products Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients especially and it has been awarded as a high-tech enterprise of Dandong city.
We manufactured kinds of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) are: Phenprobamate, Promethazine hydrochloride, Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride, Chlorpropamide, Metformin hydrochloride, Metronidazole, Cimetidine and so on. Pharmaceutical Intermediates species: Sodium Cyanate, Potassium Cyanate, Subsalt of Heat Treatment, the Main Ring of Promethazine Hydrochloride, Promethazine Hydrochloride Side Chain. Among of them, Phenprobamate and Chlorpropamide are exclusive domestic products.

丹东经营处:丹东市锦山大街华美雄业大厦A座1808室 0415-2827300,2871258
沈阳经营处:沈阳市民族南街66号太原时代A4座2302室 024-83503181,15710524779
公司地址: 元宝区蛤蟆塘镇蛤蟆塘大街1112号